A Wise Young Man?


For many reasons, Solomon’s character development has to be one of my favorites in the Bible. When his father was on his deathbed, David provided some parting advice to his son, Solomon (1 Chronicles 22:11-13). David tells him to seek the LORD for wisdom and guidance. We see the fulfillment of this by Solomon in 1 Kings 3:5-15. Solomon recognized his insufficiencies as the new leader of God’s people. He prays an unselfish prayer, and what is interesting is that he could have asked God for anything, yet he asked God for wisdom, not for himself, but for the people. God grants Solomon’s petition, for it pleased the LORD. But woe to the man with much responsibility!

One could almost see the young, naive man, Solomon, grow into an old sage led by the mind of God. The difficulty for Solomon was continual dependence upon God. It is easy to call upon God and have a request granted, then forget the granter. Today, human beings run the same risk. Solomon was humble when looking to God in his youth, but his humility faded over the years. I am curious to know how much his many relationships with various women played a part in turning his back on the one true God. But it is hard for one to deny some influence on their part. 

I believe Solomon reconciled his relationship with God toward the end of his life. The book of Ecclesiastes is a good indication of that belief. A study of Solomon’s life is one that is much needed in our world today. May we always keep our hearts focused on the one who has provided so much in our lives, the Almighty God.